Previous Timeless Yoga events

Transform Your Life Live Zoom Event (recordings now available see link below)

Friday 21st May 2021 9am-7pm BST 

Join Rod Stryker, Doug Keller, Timothy McCall, and other top experts who will share their wisdom live on the topic of how yoga can transform your life and will be ready to answer your question. You will also hear from Myra Lewin leading expert in Ayurveda and Rachel Clarkson expert in cutting edge nutrition, so you are fully equipped to create your ultimate well-being and longevity to support you in achieving your life’s missions. You’ve already experienced the positive difference yoga can make to your body, mind and emotions and learned how yoga can deal with stress, health challenges and isolation. Well that’s just the beginning. Yoga is a whole art and science of living and together with our amazing panel of experts we’re going to shed light into areas of yoga that you may not have come across which, could make all the difference to creating the transformation and freedom that we all seek. And even if you're at the beginning stage of yoga and struggling with your health, lacking mental peace and emotional calm, this summit is also for you. Imagine by the end of the summit you will know exactly which steps to take to bring not only your well being but your your life to next level. What impact will that have on you, your loved ones and everyone around you? More info here

How Alignment Can Transform Your Life

Cost: Free Event Wed 10 March 2021 19.00-19.45 UTC on Google meet live

Hosted by The Healthy Living Store on Google meets.

We’re joined by Dina, a highly skilled and qualified senior yoga teacher who has been practising and studying yoga for 28 years. She has helped and inspired thousands of students of various ages and requirements and teachers alike. Dina was incredibly fortunate to have learned directly from Mr Iyengar, his family and other world-renown yoga, meditation masters, health and self development gurus.

Dina’s aim is to guide you to get the maximum out your practice via a thorough, meticulous and safe approach according to your needs as well as through developing an in-depth knowledge of this ancient and timeless art and science of living in order to bring about a lasting, deep and positive transformation on all levels of your life.

Her classes, workshops and events are always inspiring, informative and fun.

To receive a free recorded class (highly highly recommend!) and updates please subscribe to her mailing list here

What this talk will cover

  • The importance of alignment
  • How it can save us from injuries
  • Maximising the benefits of each individual pose
  • How Alignment can transform your life on all levels and bring about the peace, freedom, joy and prosperity that you’ve always been looking for.

All attendees will get a free live, customised class and recording as well as 10% discount with The Healthy Living Store

As always, please share this with anyone you know who it might benefit – as Guardians our mission is to spread health living far and wide, and this couldn’t be a better place to start!

Timeless Yoga @ the Integrative Health Convention Sat 13 & Sun 14 Oct 2018, London

Annual Two-day Convention on Complementary Health & Integrative Medicine

Doctors & therapists learning, sharing, connecting Liberation from the fluctuations that life brings through the practice of yoga. True fulfilment comes when the restlessness of the mind, intellect and self is stilled. Come and experience the start of such a journey which will include a few basic yoga postures and simple awareness exercises. Dina will teach you how to develop an intelligent, safe and progressive practice with emphasis on alignment and tailoring the postures to suit individual needs. Watch me talking about what I’ll be teaching at this 1-hour yoga workshop and explaining how I got into yoga.

60 Minute Immunity Boosting Yoga

Cost: Free Event Fri 12 March 2021 07.30-08.30 UTC on IG Live

Hosted by Asquith IG Link

Join Dina in this class extra -special hour long class to boost your immunity and calm your mind. Dina will take through a practice to increase your immunity during a time where we feel much in need to build our defence mechanism of our bodies and protect ourselves from diseases. Regular practice of the recommended sequence can help strengthen and counter the disorders that effect both our natural and acquired immunity. The practice will be adapted to suit your needs.

All levels are welcome. Props needed: 2 bolsters, 4 foam blocks, 2 blankets, 2 yoga chairs, 2 yoga belts, eye bag/ bandage or equivalents.

Dina’s aim is for you to always get the maximum out of your practice through developing an in-depth knowledge of this ancient and timeless art and science of living and to apply it practically to your life in order to bring about a lasting, deep and positive transformation on all levels.

Dina is a dedicated and passionate teacher who guides you to practice meticulously and safely according to your needs. Her classes, workshops and events are always inspiring, informative and fun.

This class will cover:

  • Yoga to increase your immunity
  • The intricacies of how to practice these poses in order to strengthen and counter the disorders that effect both your natural and acquired immunity.
  • How to adapt the practice to suit your level and your various needs

All attendees will get a free live customised class and a recording and 20% off all Asquith merchandise

You get to give by sharing this with anyone you know who might benefit. Important: Please let Dina know if you have any injuries or specific requirements before the session via email. In following this online programme/sequence, you agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which you might incur as a result.

Yoga, Breakfast and Tour events at the Victoria & Albert Museum

Timeless Yoga event at Victoria & Albert Museum, London


Timeless Yoga event at V&A London

Timeless Yoga event at Victoria & Albert Museum, London


For all queries including bespoke one-to-one or private groups and events contact Dina +447980594258/or email

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